School Vegetable Seedling donation program
The My Organic School Farm grows all of the vegetable seedlings for our school veggie beds. We will be bringing 1000 seedlings back after the school holidays to plant at 10 schools. We activate school’s veggie beds by harnessing the help of parent members of our school veggie box co-ops to volunteer on our planting days and by teaching our “where does your food come from?” classes. . . . . . .#organicschools #vegecoops #vegebeds#raisedvegebeds #organickids #vegeboxes#organicfruitandvege #organicfruitandvege#organicproduce #chemicalfree#chemicalfreekids #community#schoolcommunity #australianschools#nswschools #sydneyschools#vegegardening #healthyeating#organicfamiliesy#wheredoesyourfoodcomefrom