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We deliver super fresh, low tox, abundant fruit & vege boxes to Sydney Metro residents. The produce is delivered to our customers every Thursday which is also the day we receive it from our organic growers.
Each week we have a wonderful mix of 15-17 different staples and seasonal items. The box items change every week to make your cooking exciting.
Funds are saved to develop a 'Where does your food come from' curriculum called the "Veggie Buddies" course.
Our mission is to make toxin free produce affordable for all families and provide healthy eating education to students.
'My Organic School' organises Community Organic Fruit and Veggie Box buying groups for the school community and all residents surrounding local schools. The buying groups make the toxin free produce approx. 40% less than retail or home delivery services. This is achieved by the community working together to pack the bulk produce in to family boxes.
The boxes have 10 - 13 different organic fruit & veggie ingredients and have a great mix of staple & seasonal produce. All produce is 100% certified organic.
Funds are saved to develop a 'Where does your food come from' curriculum called the "Veggie Buddies" course. Every school with a buying group receives this 9 week course for free along with teacher professional development. The course is fully aligned with the federal curriculum areas of STEM (science, technology, English & maths).
Our mission is to make toxin free produce affordable for all families and provide healthy eating education to students. My Organic School operates as a social enterprise and is a free service for schools.
We help the P&C association at your school setup and run an organic produce community buying group. In fact we do all the work for your school along with providing an excellent nutritional education program.
For more info about bringing the program to your school or if you are on your school P&C association:
click here
"I started my first Organic buying group in 2010, four months after my daughter was born. There I was about to puree her first solid vegetable meal and I just couldn't get past the fact that the pear and broccoli I was going to use were coated in pesticides and herbicides.
I went looking for an affordable organic alternative and I couldn't find one. The cost to go 100% organic was just too expensive through conventional retail outlets with their staffing, rental, operating and freight costs. So I setup a local organic buying group in the NSW Mid North Coast which has been going strong for six years.
When my daughter started attending school it dawned on me that schools were the perfect place for organic veggie box co-ops to flourish and create lasting healthy nutritional change. By giving back to the school through a healthy eating education program the whole school benefits.
School P&C associations fulfil their charter of ensuring the wellbeing of their students and families. Schools fulfil their PDPHE (personal development, physical health education) curriculum requirements. Most importantly the school becomes more connected with its community.

The positives of being involved in an organic veggie box buying group have been many and varied. Obviously cheap organic produce and a much healthier diet are key but I have been surprised by some of the others.
Receiving a box each week changes the way my family cooks, we now have a 85% plant based diet and our health has improved immeasurably. I suffered in my 20's from a debilitating arthritic autoimmune disease. Healthy, organic, whole food eating has made my symptoms disappear.
Eliminating processed foods and reducing sugar has greatly improved my daughter's ability to concentrate at school, be physically active and grounded emotionally.
We are now connected to the source of our food. We know who actually farmed our produce and the practices they used. Food is no longer an anonymous commodity or simple unit of energy. Unpacking our box each week is a joy as I watch my daughter excited about knowing how each item was farmed, that the environment hasn't been harmed, that it is chemical free and that it is going to nourish her body.
Observing the convenience for parents of picking up their weekly veggie box when they pick up their children from school was a real "aha" moment. Who would have thought a school based organic veggie box buying group was more convenient than a supermarket!
Perhaps the most surprising upside has been the building of a like-minded, health conscious community. We work together for the common good of improving our family's nutrition. With funds going back to the school's healthy eating program we are transforming our school students' relationship with food for life.
David Walsman
Founder: My Organic School

funds USED TO provide a healthy eating course

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parents divvy the produce inTO BOXES

we delivery in bulk
to your school
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a letter
for your
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be brought
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