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info for school p&c associations
My Organic School operates as a social enterprise. Our mission is to make toxin free produce affordable for all families, and provide healthy eating education to students.
We provide a free service for your school to start a School Community Organic Veggie Box buying group which we fully administer and needs no further P&C resources after approval. The weekly divvy up of produce needs to be approved by a motion at a P&C meeting as a P&C activity which promotes the welfare of the school community.
We save funds from the group on behalf of your school's P&C association to develop and provide and donate a healthy eating curriculum to your school to be taught in your school veggie beds. We call it the 'Veggie Buddies" course. The course is fully aligned with the federal curriculum areas of STEM (sciance, technology, English & maths.)
*No volunteering or resources are required of the P&C association.
The group is entirely run by participating parents. All rostering, payment, supplies, procedures, safety documentation and correspondence is supplied by the My Organic School head office and our web portal
*What is required of the school P&C association?
We simple request the opportunity to present for 5-7minutes at your next P&C meeting. Following our presentation we ask that a motion be proposed to approve an organic veggie box buying group at the school as a P&C activity.
A School Community Veggie Box Buying Group complies as a P&C activity because:
1/. It supports the welfare of the school community.
2/. It raises funds for the provision of a healthy eating and gardening curriculum for the school.
How we fulfil the further requirements to be a P&C Association activity.
1/. A motion must be passed at a P&C meeting.
2/. A Risk Management Plan must be in place. (we write this document)
3/. A log of all participants must be kept. (maintained by our online rostering system)
What is a Social Enterprise: Social enterprises operate to intentionally tackle social problems, improve communities, provide people access to employment and training, or help the environment.
My Organic School tackles the 'social problem' of poor nutrition by making organic produce affordable and by providing healthy nutrition education in the school veggie bed/outdoor classrooms.
We 'improve communities' by creating school community groups of like minded people and connecting families with the source of their food.
We also help the 'environment' by creating the most sustainable distribution model for produce. Organic farming methods are the most sustainable for agricultural land. Direct supply to community buying groups reduces emissions, traffic congestion, wholesale/ retail development and general unnecessary expense. Finally food waste is drastically mitigated by farmers knowing exactly how much produce to supply for pre sold veggie box orders.
For more info email:
or call 0419265257

order on your phone

funds USED TO build school
vege beds

parents divvy the produce inTO BOXES
we delivery in bulk
to your school

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